Hey, I have some awesome pics of the little man at Seaside, Oregon. I took him a few weeks ago to visit a friend. It was his first time at a big, expansive beach and he LOVED it.
Oh, and I thought I'd throw in a couple totally cool pics of my crash wounds from the STP in July (Seattle to Portland bike tour). Yay for scars. :-)
Benny's just takin in the world here...
I like to call this one, "the worst diaper blow-out of all time". Uh, nasty!! Ok, so it was just dirty sea foam, and he happened to sit in just the right place, haha.

Oh, a quick developmental update on Ben: he's now 31 inches tall and about 25 pounds. Super duper!! And he's starting to talk a lot more. He has one and two word phrases that he says....most of them only things that a mommy would understand. :-) But he's talking A LOT!!! He's all of a sudden gotten very verbal. He has lots of stories to tell and lots of things he needs to tell his toys every day. :-) Such a fun kid, boy are we blessed a million times over. Hope you all are enjoying the last month or so of summer. I'll update when I have more cool pictures! :-)
You poor thing!! How the heck did you biff it so bad?!? Good for you guys though, doing STP, that's awesome!
Hi Heather,
We met you at the AGCI seminar in July. It was so fun to find your blog through another AGCI blog.
We are still praying about adopting. I am ready to jump in but my husband is still praying about it.
We met a family this week that I had met by blogging. They adopted a toddler boy from ET and they were visiting PDX from Arizona. It was so fun to meet another little guy from ET.
Your little guy's pictures from the beach were adorable!
You can check out my blog at
What a joy Benny is!! He lights up our world...such an incredible blessing! The pictures at the beach show, so well, his happy little nature. And Mom's!! (You'd take the gold, Heather!)
So cute!! Looks like he had a blast :)
New update please!!! :) How about one with the cute pics you took with Almaz!! Hint, hint. :) Miss you guys. When are you coming to WA???
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By the way, cute pics of Ben! He is so adorable.
Hey this is Courtney Young
our new blog address is
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