Hey, I have some awesome pics of the little man at Seaside, Oregon. I took him a few weeks ago to visit a friend. It was his first time at a big, expansive beach and he LOVED it.
Oh, and I thought I'd throw in a couple totally cool pics of my crash wounds from the STP in July (Seattle to Portland bike tour). Yay for scars. :-)
Benny's just takin in the world here...
I like to call this one, "the worst diaper blow-out of all time". Uh, nasty!! Ok, so it was just dirty sea foam, and he happened to sit in just the right place, haha.

Oh, a quick developmental update on Ben: he's now 31 inches tall and about 25 pounds. Super duper!! And he's starting to talk a lot more. He has one and two word phrases that he says....most of them only things that a mommy would understand. :-) But he's talking A LOT!!! He's all of a sudden gotten very verbal. He has lots of stories to tell and lots of things he needs to tell his toys every day. :-) Such a fun kid, boy are we blessed a million times over. Hope you all are enjoying the last month or so of summer. I'll update when I have more cool pictures! :-)